My Word: Presence The New Year always presents a fresh perspective on life… and all it encompasses. With each rotation around the sun, we get this chance to create new, make changes, and set intentions.
I’m not a fan of resolutions; I don’t like the pressure that is associated with them. I do however LOVE intention and goal setting. And not in this … dream it up in my head and cross my fingers kind of way… but rather tangible goals that will help me move forward in both personal and business growth.
I’m writing today, in the first week of 2017, to share my intentions with you all. I’m putting these out into the universe not only to hold myself accountable, but to open up to any opportunity the future may hold… maybe with YOU!
Comment below with something you’re looking to do in 2017… anything big or small. If there is anything on these lists that excites you – reach out! Let’s be some badass unicorns together!
Personal Intentions:
*place a priority on self care
*make meditation a practiced part of my daily routine
*find activities that light me up
*be PRESENT when with others
*remove attachment to any personal outcomes for others
*trust my intuition
*let go of what is no longer serving me: habits and people.
Business Intentions:
*create a place of comfort for my clients that allows trust in working together
*establish my workshop program and classes (SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE!)
*align my business with 2-3 brands I admire
*do more creative personal projects and collaborations to reignite inspiration
*find a photography mentor
*be a photography mentor
*focus on working smarter and more efficiently
*take my business profits and double them from 2016
*stand strong in my worth and dignity

Image by the lovely Rebecca Cafiero of Ciao Bella Foto!