We often hear: A wedding is the Bride’s day.
That has always bugged me. What about a wedding with two Grooms? Is it neither of their days?
But really, it’s very important for me to let Grooms know that the wedding day is their day too. Even if they choose to be less involve than their bride or partner, it’s essential that our Grooms feel special and epic portraits of themselves on a wedding day.
Peek below for a few of my favorite groom portraits and my go-to posing for grooms on a wedding day.

If a Groom is not keen on having “getting ready” photos, I always get a few detail photos of the groom buttoning his jacket or fixing his tie. These images give us the wedding prep vibes we need in order to tell a story.
Getting candid images with the groom looking off to the side are a great way to start these photos. It puts the groom at ease knowing he doesn’t need to stare into the camera. Then, after photographing the boutonniere, cufflinks, and other details, the groom usually is a bit more encouraged to give the camera a smile.
This is a universal tip for portraits. I like to get different vantage points of each pose. This is actually how I photograph reception tables and details too.
Think of it in terms of a continuous zoom into the subject. Start far back and get the entire scene. Then come into a 3/4 shot that is from the hips up. Lastly, get in there for that nice close up detail of the face. Those are usually my favorite portraits of a groom.

I love getting guys comfortable in front of the camera, and that usually means I need to tell them exactly how to sit, where to put their feet, etc. I also know that Grooms often like poses of themselves looking “boss”, so I’m often using power poses for the individual portraits as well as groomsmen portraits.
Once a Groom is in his groove, I always ask for a GQ moment. They usually laugh, but then serve looks!